Top tips for self-care

This week is Mental Health Awareness Week in the UK. If you need an excuse to look after yourself, there you have it! So, how are you being kind to yourself, my friend?

I spoke at a (virtual) event for event organisers earlier this week and the top tips I shared with the audience for my own well-being were:

  • Taking care of the mind. I meditate every day for at least 15 minutes a day, often much longer. Whilst I recognise that meditation doesn’t work for some people, I think the main tip here is to find an activity that you really enjoy that allows you to become aware of your thoughts and be really present. This is such an important step to becoming aware of the times when we are feeling overwhelmed, stressed or overly stretched.
  • Looking after the body. Taking care of our bodies is vital to be able to stay well. Healthy food, plenty of water and physical activity are not surprisingly a top priority here. Make sure your diet is varied and includes plenty of fruit and vegetables. Move your body in any way you see fit: we are meant to be moving around so don’t spend too much time sitting in front of ‘the square thing’, as my friend Sharon likes to call it.
  • Sleep well. Hard for some, but try to aim for 7-8 hours of sleep a night and keep it consistent by trying to go to bed and wake up at the same time every day. I wrote about sleep on another post if you want to learn more.
I could go on and write about this for hours but I’ll leave it here for now. I hope this week and always, you’ll continue to take care of yourself, my friend.

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