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  • The importance of being playful

    In a world that often demands seriousness and structured routines, there lies a hidden gem – the importance of being playful. As I continue my journey of self-discovery and wellness, I’ve come…

  • Too tired to function?

    When we feel tired (mentally or physically), it’s hard to keep our concentration and focus on the activities we are doing. Perhaps we feel unable to exercise and keep making the wrong…

  • New beginnings or rather… just beginnings

    It’s been just over a year since my son was born and this week, he has started his settling-in period at nursery. How time flies! It seems like yesterday when he was…

  • Great conversations

    Having a great conversation with someone makes us feel inspired, energetic and positive about life. Let’s face it, it doesn’t always happen and sometimes it doesn’t happen often enough, but when it…

  • Good night, but was it?

    I’m a massive fan of sleep and I like talking about it because I think the importance of a good night sleep is underestimated. Research shows that every adult should get 7-8…

  • Sleep and food metabolism

    A regular sleep pattern is really important for optimal health, and it is exciting to see new research in this area linked to impact on food metabolism. A new study led by a…

  • What is your intention?

    Sometimes we set ourselves up for failure because we are not clear about what our intentions are. So that’s why before starting a new project, be it personal or professional, I sit…

  • Why I changed my mind

    You know how they say ‘some people never change’? I suppose it might depend on what we are referring to in context, however I fundamentally believe that everyone has the ability to…

  • What does good nutrition look like?

    If someone was going to ask me what good nutrition looks like in 3 points, I would probably go with this: Healthy food choices Appropriate digestion and absorption Adequate hydration I genuinely…

  • When you slow down…

    I wrote this on my birthday and thought I’d share it now because I feel it’s relevant today and always… “Today is my birthday and I have taken a day off just…