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  • Sleep and food metabolism

    A regular sleep pattern is really important for optimal health, and it is exciting to see new research in this area linked to impact on food metabolism. A new study led by a…

  • What does good nutrition look like?

    If someone was going to ask me what good nutrition looks like in 3 points, I would probably go with this: Healthy food choices Appropriate digestion and absorption Adequate hydration I genuinely…

  • The truth about protein

    Despite being a qualified nutritional therapist, I don’t often write about nutrition and you know why? Because I believe that nutrition is a very personal matter and generalising an approach is never…

  • Healthy lunch anyone?

    I love a healthy lunch. This one is quick and easy to prepare and it’s simply delicious. ‘What will I need?’ I hear you ask. Read on, I promise the whole process…

  • Quinoa, avocado and tomato salad

    I love it when summer arrives and we are able to play a bit more with light foods such as salads. One of my personal favourites is an easy recipe that includes…

  • Easy oatcakes recipe

    Oatcakes are one of my favourite snacks. I find them very versatile and although you can find decent ones in most supermarkets, I do love to make them following my friend’s recipe.…

  • Crispy kale with butternut squash and quinoa

    This is an easy to make and relatively quick recipe for a versatile salad that can be used as a great side dish or an excellent and filling main course. Ingredients: 1…

  • Egg-cellent and quick recipe!

    I have never been a big fan of eggs, until I moved to Britain and realised they could be enjoyed in many more creative ways than what I was used to. This is a very…

  • Energy balls recipe

    Personally, I don’t tend to snack much but I know that many people do and they often ask me for ideas for something sweet that they can prepare quickly and easily .…