When you slow down…

I wrote this on my birthday and thought I’d share it now because I feel it’s relevant today and always…

“Today is my birthday and I have taken a day off just to have a chance to slow down and appreciate my life.


Two simple words that we do not get to experience enough, if you asked me.

Why are we always doing stuff?

I have been reflecting on how quickly time passes and what’s really important in life, and sadly I got the conclusion that ‘doing stuff’ is not that important after all.

As cliché as this might sound, it is certainly true that when someone gets to the end of their life, they don’t tend to remember the days in which they were very busy (and possibly miserable) doing stuff because they had to.

So could we do less and be more?

I suppose I’m not suggesting that we should stop doing anything in particular – in the end it all might be perfectly appropriate and necessary – but what I’m suggesting is to be more present with (and for) those who matter to us.

Because I have been in the presence of others who weren’t really there – and I myself have been ‘present’ whilst being absent – and it’s just not the best state of affairs for anyone involved.

So today – on my birthday – I’m more grateful than ever for all I have and the people in my life who show up again and again, and those who are really present.

To those who have offered me flowers, cards, smiles, messages, kisses, hugs, songs, thoughts; to those who have forgotten (but might remember later or not remember at all!) and to those who didn’t even know it was my birthday, all I want to say is thank you.

I appreciate you, and I hope I’ll never take you for granted. I promise I’ll try to always be present every time you choose to dedicate any of your precious time to me, because we don’t always have the time to slow down, but when we do, it’s because it really matters”.