Staying on track

I was reflecting on the phrase ‘getting back on track’ after lockdown (or at any point, for that matter). Whichever context you might have heard this expression referring to, I don’t think it is necessarily accurate.

I mean, to me there is no going back – it’s simply not possible to go back – we can only go forward.
Sure, we can attempt to recreate a reality as similar as possible to the one we had when we felt we were ‘on track’ but that would be a new reality, a new track altogether.

So in the context of covid-19, going back to reality as we knew it might well be impossible and that’s because – quite simply put – that reality does no longer exist.

I am not saying that people won’t go back to do the things that they used to do – I am sure they will, but that will be a new experience.

As with everything in life, we experience something, we learn, we move on. Perhaps we have to experience something many times before we are able to learn and move on, and that is fine too, but there is no going back, ever.

So my wish is that we – collectively and individually – will be able to learn enough to be able to move forward as soon as possible, without trying to replicate or look for a reality that cannot come back, because I really think that the quest for the impossible is arduous and hurtful, and quite frankly, not worth pursuing.

A new track is being built with every heartbeat and it is our job to keep looking forward, with the knowledge and the understanding of what has been.

Go well, my friend and let me know how you are doing.

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