Staying in the moment

Whether we are thinking of what is going to happen later, tomorrow or next year, it is all a movement away from this moment. This moment being the only certainly that we know of.

It is so tempting for the mind to drift forward, to look to the future and to imagine the things that we’d like or that we are worried about. Sometimes the story is so believable that we forget that none of these things have happened yet. In truth, we don’t know the outcome and we must remember that we cannot anticipate what will happen, so although we can still plan with a sense of purpose and we can still have dreams and goals, if we are constantly caught up in a storyline of the future, we miss the present moment and life is a succession of present moments!

Today I took part in an adrenaline activity and travelled at 120 kph at a height of 1,680 metres above sea level down a zip line – the world’s longest in fact. I spent the morning worrying about it – anticipating how scary it was going to be and all that. When I finally got there, I managed to use the breath to stay in the moment and the actual flight was amazing: truly enjoyable, so much so that when I got down, I was ready to go again!

If you have any tips you would like to share about staying in the moment, please do add a comment below or get in touch!

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