Choosing to be happy is in our gift

I have been listening to a podcast about stoicism and despite having studied philosophy in high school, I hadn’t quite realised how similar their teachings are to those found in some yoga schools.

The main point really is around controlling what we can control and letting go of what we cannot. It sounds quite simple in theory, but I think it is such a profound teaching that it has the ability to change one’s life when mastered.

In other words, stoics did not see anything as good or bad in itself, but it’s the way in which we respond and react to the world around us that makes the experience good or bad. If you think about this approach, it seems that we always have a choice: we can choose to make the most of a bad situation because we can choose how we feel about it and how we want it to impact on our reality in that moment.

I think other key teachings could be summarised as follows:

  • Focus on your ability to navigate complex situation in a logical, informed and calm manner
  • Exercise moderation in all aspects of life, there is no need for excess
  • Treat others with fairness even if they have done you wrong
  • Try to face daily challenges with clarity and integrity

Clear and simple, right? I guess you now see how you can turn a bad day into a good one.

As for me, I think I’ve decided to become a stoic 😊


Photo by Edu Lauton on Unsplash

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