Living life to the fullest

Have you ever contemplated what a thought could trigger? Have you ever followed it from the beginning to the end and enjoyed where it took you?

I know this sounds like I have got a lot of time on my hands and in my defence, today I do. I am writing this as I sit on my chaise longue (sounds fancy!) in my living room. It’s Sunday afternoon and earlier I received a message from my dad. He sent me an old picture that was taken some time around 1968 on a Sunday afternoon.

People were going to church, it must have been some sort of Catholic celebration as kids were carrying flowers and candles. It was taken in our village in Northern Italy. In the crowd both sets of grandparents walking, unaware of one another. My mother was around nine at the time and dad was older, probably old enough to tell them he wouldn’t have gone to church with them after all (not sure why my mother wasn’t there but she has always been a bit of a rebel so I guess she must had found an excuse not to go).

Whilst there is no much more that that picture could tell me about their life back then, my imagination took me to places and I started to think about how that day, so many years ago, was just another day and how today, that day ended up in my inbox and made me write this.

Life is weird, magical and precious.

They couldn’t have imagined this day – today – with me, their granddaughter, sitting here and writing this. No one could have. By that point their children didn’t even know each other yet.

Wow – it just blows my mind – I can’t even express it fully! I find it incredible and yet it probably happens all the times. I love it.

It made me happy and a little bit sad at the same time because I miss them, but also it reminded me that life is worth living at its fullest, always, because you never know who might end up with your picture in 52 years from now. 😊

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