Daily rituals to keep anxiety at bay

During these challenging times many of us might feel anxious, worried or overwhelmed by what is going on in the world. Please know that if you are feeling any of the above, you are not alone. I have been struggling with anxiety lately so I thought I’d share my top tips and daily rituals to try and keep a level of sanity.

  • When I wake up in the morning, I keep my phone on silent until after I have done my morning yoga and meditation. No excuses, no distractions, this is my space and time to reconnect with myself.
  • I try to stick to my work hours without overdoing it – it’s easy when you work from home and have no one around to distract you to end up in front of your computer for much longer than indicated.
  • After work, I sit in meditation for another 15-20 minutes. This helps me clear my head before moving on to other stuff.
  • I have been going for a walk in the park in the last few evenings – this has not only helped me stretch my legs, it has also given me some clarity of mind and washed away some of the worries.
  • I limit the time and sources where I get my news from. I try to stay away from emotional stories and read facts but if I feel too overwhelmed, then I give it a miss until the day after.
  • Before going to bed I sit for another 15-20 minutes in meditation, trying to focus on sending positive vibes to those who are suffering at the moment.
  • I try to stay connected with family and friends as much as possible. Things are tough but we try and laugh about small things and support one another as much as we can.

Together we can and will get through this, please keep thinking positive!

Take good care,

Nicole x

Photo by Nick Fewings on Unsplash

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