Well-being to-do list

Well-being at work is one of the things I have been passionate about for a long time. It’s great to see it has finally become fashionable and therefore everyone is doing something about it, which can only be a step forward.

I often speak to employers about implementing a well-being strategy and one area of resistance is linked to cost and/or space (or lack thereof). Well, guess what, there is plenty both employers and their employees can do without having to spend a penny or having to invest on a gym on-site. It all starts with education and often baby steps can go a long way.

Everything listed below can be implemented by every single one of us, starting from today:
1) Eat well and drink plenty (of water). I am a firm believer that if you eat rubbish you will feel rubbish. Investing in proper food and keeping hydrated go a long way towards a happy life.
2) Don’t take things too seriously. We all make mistakes and guess what? We almost always survive them.

3) Smile. Smiling is free and contagious. Give it a try now 🙂

4) Do something you really enjoy every day – even if it is just for 2 minutes. It is amazing how doing what we love makes us feel good about ourselves.

5) Be kind to yourself and others. Someone said that you shouldn’t let anyone come to you without leaving happier. Ever.

Feasible? I think so. If we all make a little bit of an effort, it’ll be even easier.

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