Feeling stuck

Have you ever felt a bit uncertain about what to do next, perhaps when in the process of making a big decision in life and feeling a bit insecure, maybe even scared? Well, aside from the fact that these feelings are totally normal, how do you get un-stuck? How do you find the clarity you need to move on or even that sense of trust in the present moment that we often need to feel like everything is going to be ok?

I think everyone is a bit different on this but what I realised is that when I feel stuck, I need to allow clarity to arise and if my stress levels are too high, clarity will most definitely not appear. So my recipe to get access to my own inner wisdom is very simple: self-care.

I work with tools such as mindfulness, meditation, yoga and personal inquiry (which is actually one of the best ways to discover yourself) to move from a place of uncertainty to finding a sense of stability and grounding. I recently came across the ‘morning pages’ technique which – as I understand it – is a way to tap into your inner wisdom by writing anything that comes to you as you awaken in the morning as a flow of consciousness. I have never tried it before but I sure will in the upcoming weeks.

And you my friend, how do you tap in to your inner wisdom?

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