The values we display

This morning as I was reading the news, I started to reflect on my education and by that I primarily mean the one I received from my parents, extended family and close friends rather than at school (although I will acknowledge that, that too has had an influence on my upbringing).

Wasn’t I lucky! Aside from the fact that I had everything anyone could wish for, I am so very grateful that I was taught some of the values I consider so intrinsic to myself as a person today. In fact I sometimes struggle to understand how it is possible that some people might not have learnt the importance of things such as respect, kindness and honesty.

Don’t get me wrong – this is purely a non-judgemental consideration – I am sure not everyone has been as privileged as me in life, however I genuinely don’t understand the need for contempt, hatred and viciousness.

What is there to gain by having such behaviours? Sure, I have bad days too and I might have been unkind to others before, but it’s the constant display of these attitudes that I condemn. There is no need for it, ever, no matter how bad a day or a life you have had.

Whilst I won’t pretend to understand the challenges that some people have faced and continue to face, I stand by my values and will continue to display them as much as I possibly can.

Be kind to yourself and others today, and have a lovely day 😊


Photo by Clay Banks on Unsplash

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