The power of thoughts

I believe in the power of thoughts. As our only true reality is the present moment, it is easy to see how thoughts can influence our experience. Instead of accepting what is happening to us, we can actively play a role in shaping what this reality looks like, simply by thinking positively about it.

We have opportunities to shape our day-to-day reality every minute of our life. If – for example – you are running late because you overslept, instead of getting frustrated with yourself, appreciate that you have done what the body needed you to do and getting frustrated now won’t change the situation.

By choosing how we interpret our reality with our thoughts, we are able to define how we feel in the present moment. Taking long deep breaths in moments of frustration can be helpful to clear the mind and focus on positive thoughts. I try to catch myself if I’m ‘running away’ with my thoughts and as soon as I do that, I try to consciously come back to the present moment. Don’t get me wrong, I am a day dreamer and I love a fantasy as much as anyone else but I try to be conscious of my thoughts so when I realise I’m thinking about something unhelpful, I just let it go and come back to the reality of what I’m doing.

Meditation is another tool that has helped me develop a sense of awareness and can be useful to unfold our patterns. I think awareness is essential to be able to shift our focus and create our reality as we choose it to be – one moment at a time – utilising the power of thoughts.

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