Why is drinking water so important?

It might sound silly but this is a question I get asked a lot! So why is drinking water so important? Drinking at least 8 glasses of water a day is essential to maintain a well hydrated and healthy body.

Our body is 60% made of water and our blood contains over 90% water. Good hydration is important to keep the elasticity of the skin and avoid premature wrinkling. It is also vital to keep the joints healthy, including the spinal discs which are made of 80% water.

Dehydration can affect brain structure and function. Often when we are dehydrated we can get a headache and severe dehydration can lead to problems with thinking and reasoning too.

Because water is stored in the middle layers of the skin, when the body heats up, water evaporates, cooling the body down and creating sweat – hence it is essential to maintain the right body temperature.

Hydration is also important for the digestive system. For the bowel to work properly and avoid constipation, water is essential as it flushes away toxins through the faeces (but also through urine and sweat).

Water also helps maintain a healthy blood pressure. It contains minerals and salts that are useful for many body functions and it can help boosts performance during exercise.

I was told by a Chinese doctor that Chinese medicine believes that water at room temperature is best for the body as introducing foods and drinks that are too cold or too warm can cause a shock to the system. If you have ever been to China, you might have noticed that in restaurants they often offer you a lukewarm drink of water before or after a meal which is believed to help digestion.

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