Setting an intention

Happy New Year to you!
When a New Year begins many of us use the opportunity to set an intention: this could be something we would like to do or achieve in the year ahead, something we would like to stop doing or something we would like to manifest in our life.
I personally set an intention most times I step on my mat, rather than using it as a one-off ritual at the beginning of the year.
In fact – even if you don’t practise yoga, I think it is a good way to focus the mind on something you truly desire. For me an intention is a way of bringing a quality I wish to cultivate into my life. Some examples of qualities I have used as my intentions include patience, gratitude, being present in the moment, kindness, love, forgiveness, letting go, being open to receive and many others.
The way I do this is through positive affirmation so I repeat to myself what I want to manifest e.g. I can do this, I am kind, I am beautiful, I am strong, I am successful, I no longer need this, I love unconditionally etc.
So why don’t you give it a go next time you have 5 minutes to yourself and let me know how you get on?
Love and light always x

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